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The information on this site is the property of Group O Valor do Tempo. Downloading, copying, or resending this information for commercial purposes, partially or in full, is strictly prohibited.
When using this website, you may not use any software or application that interferes with its proper functioning. The use of any application, automatic mechanism, or manual process to monitor or copy the pages you are accessing, without the prior consent and authorization of Group O valor do Tempo, is not permitted.
The content of this site may contain errors or be out of date. Group O valor do Tempo. may, without notice, make amendments or corrections to the information published herein.
Group O valor do Tempo is committed to providing a quality service to all customers and visitors to this site and to aspects that relate to their privacy.
Cookies Policy
A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. Cookies are saved to your computer and play an important role; without them, browsing the web would be a much more frustrating experience. On this website, the sole purpose of our cookies is to simplify your browsing experience, making your next visit easier and making this website more useful to you (these cookies do not contain viruses and cannot be executed, as they are not active files).
Notwithstanding the security measures put in place by www.ovalordotempo.pt, users should follow the recommended security practices. In particular, these include installing and updating security applications, namely anti-virus software and cookie cleaning functions. To learn more about cookies, how they are used, and how to manage your cookie preferences, see the specific help pages of the various browsers available or generic web pages on this topic, such as: